Benefits of body exfoliation at our skin clinic

With summer just around the corner, or already here in some parts of the UK, many people are looking for ways to ensure that their entire body glows when they hit the beach.

Of course, while maintaining a good sleep schedule and drinking water can be helpful, as you age it can be harder to maintain glowing soft skin. And if you have exceedingly sensitive skin, you may not be able to smother it in products as this can cause irritation.

Luckily, there is a solution!

At the Skin Studio UK, our skin clinic Surrey is able to offer full body exfoliation, which is in essence an extension of an exfoliating face scrub, but with a few extra ingredients added which are beneficial to the skin. This procedure is painless, affordable and offers glowing skin, which will turn heads at the beach and boost your self-esteem.

In the following article, our team at our skin clinic Surrey highlight 5 core reasons why it can be beneficial to undertake a full body exfoliation, even if it's not related to summer.

Softer skin

Who doesn't want to have softer skin? At the skin clinic Surrey, all of our procedures aim to create the softest skin possible for our clients. Dry skin is a common reason why people may have rough or textured skin and while you may think that exfoliators would worsen this issue, with the added moisturisers we can ensure that when you come to us for full-body exfoliation, you'll be left with softer skin.


The process of exfoliator that we use encourages the production of collagen under the skin through massage. After all, exfoliation is about rubbing a grained product onto your skin gently in circular motions, which not only encourages blood flow to the area but also creates collagen under the skin. This is anti-ageing and can reduce the appearance of wrinkles instantly.

Better moisturisation

It is a common feature of people who have dry bumpy skin that they are unable to use moisturisers and toners correctly. This is simply because there is an accumulation of dead skin, which makes it impossible for even the strongest moisturisers to penetrate. By undertaking full body exfoliation, you will be removing the dead skin cells with our team, and this will allow better moisturisation overall when you apply any cream-based product.

Minimises keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is in essence when there is raised skin around a hair follicle, which means that when you shave your legs, it can look visually very rough. This is a sign that you need to have exfoliation performed to prevent this inflammatory response to shaving. This issue does not only occur in areas that are shaved and is commonly seen on the upper arms of those who do not exfoliate.

It’s affordable!

At our studio, we pride ourselves on being able to offer affordable procedures to our patients and while you may assume that things like facials or full body exfoliation are excessively pricey, we always aim to make them affordable and will ensure that you receive the highest quality of care.


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Healthy and beautiful skin at the Skin Studio