FAQs about facials answered by our skin clinic

When it comes to maintaining the health of your facial skin, it is important to wash, exfoliate, tone and moisturise. But for most people, especially those who are older, having facials performed regularly means that their skin appears smoother, firmer and also has fewer wrinkles.

You may have heard of facials and you may simply associate them with having cucumbers placed over your eyes and wearing a face mask. However, this is a very simplified version of this procedure and depending on what you are looking for from your facial, you may be offered a different option.

At the Skin Studio UK, we are exceedingly proud of the facials that we can offer to our patients and our skin clinic Surrey will be able to help you get the hydrated, evenly toned and youthful-looking skin that you want. We will also ensure that those who have sensitive skin will have the appropriate moisturisers applied to prevent any irritation or redness.

If this is the first time you are considering having a facial, then it's likely you will have some questions for our skin clinic Surrey and here, we intend to answer some of the most common questions that we receive about this popular skin treatment.

What is a facial?

When you come to our skin clinic Surrey, the first thing we will do is determine the condition of your skin. From this, we will then create a treatment plan to reduce dehydration, wrinkles or roughness. A basic facial will involve steaming, soft brushes and hot towels, which will gently cleanse the skin and will remove dirt from the deepest layers. The skin will then be toned and heavily moisturised. Then we will make recommendations for your skincare routine to prevent a recurrence.

How many times should one be done for the best effects?

It is usually best for those who have mature or very sensitive skin to have a facial at least once a month to obtain the best results. If you are new to having facials altogether, the frequency may be higher and you may need to have a minimum of two facials a week, depending on your age, your skin type, the sun exposure and the overall health and hydration of your skin.

I’ve read they can cause acne; is this true?

It is, unfortunately, true that facials can cause acne, but rather than it being a result of the treatment itself, it is usually because the skin is exhausted and is therefore unable to create spots or blemishes to remove dirt. By having a facial, the skin is exhilarated and is then able to get rid of oils and dirt, which may create temporary acne.

I have sensitive skin; is this an issue?

Not at all! Many of the clients we see have sensitive skin and we can adjust our facial routine to ensure that even the most sensitive skin is cleansed thoroughly and receives the full benefits of the procedure.

Do the facials you offer hurt?

Some facials may be slightly uncomfortable, however, the ones that we offer are not. If you are somebody who likes to be pampered and will not have any opposition to harder levels of massage, then our facials will not be painful. If you are a bit more sensitive, tell us and we can tailor the requirements of your care to ensure that we employ a lighter touch.


Advantages of having regular facials from our skin clinic


Benefits of body exfoliation at our skin clinic